
Talk Like a Pirate Day

Students at Southern Local Elementary were in for a real treat as district Food Service Director Kerry Morrissey donned a costume for National Talk Like a Pirate Day Thursday. The school cafeteria was also decorated to please the likes of Captain Jack Sparrow and Bluebeard. It also helped cap off Nutrition Inc.’s Nutrition for Life festivities where kindergarteners were introduced to cafeteria meals. The little ones were treated to brownies on Tuesday, a grab-and-go bag of school supplies on Wednesday and prizes for three lucky winners on Thursday. Pictured are, front from left, Laney Brinker, Sofia Bailey, Addy Cook, Connor Dickson, Elijah Smith, Bristol Fetters, Theo Tsesmilles; back, Brooklyn Tice, Morrissey, Porter Leggett and Aubree Simpkins. (Submitted photo)

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