
CC Health District Advisory Council selects health board

LISBON — Columbiana County Health District Advisory Council members re-elected Fairfield Township Trustee Bob Hum as chairman, Lisbon Mayor Peter Wilson as secretary and reappointed Linda Garwood to the health board on Monday.

The district advisory council comprised of township trustees, village officials and city officials served by the Columbiana County Health District met briefly at the health district headquarters, 7360 state Route 45, Lisbon, to handle business for the year.

Hum said Garwood was the only person who submitted a letter of interest to be appointed to the five-year term on the five-member board. She was originally appointed in September 2023 to fill the unexpired term of the late Tom Haugh, a longtime member of the board.

In her letter requesting reappointment to a new term, the Fairfield Township, Leetonia area resident said she felt she was a good fit for the health board, offering a fresh perspective. She said she had no problem asking questions and wanted to continue to serve the health district.

The vote was unanimous by all members present.

During his report to the advisory council, county Health Commissioner Dr. Wes Vins talked about the 2024 annual report, which was released last month and includes stats for all the divisions that are part of the health district, including vital statistics, nursing, environmental and administration.

“We tried to modernize it this year. The idea was to kind of keep it simple,” Vins said, holding up a copy of the report.

The report consists of a cover, two inside pages and a back page, which reduced printing costs significantly and reduced staff time associated with preparing the report.

The report was divided into three categories, with a page for the nursing division, a page for the environmental division and a page for the administration division/vital statistics.

Vin explained that more details can be found on the district website or by calling the office at 330-424-0272. The entire 2024 annual report is posted on the website at columbiana-health.org.

A service that he highlighted was the program that provides free car seats and cribs/Pack N Plays to any WIC eligible resident of the county, with funding from the Columbiana County Department of Job and Family Services. WIC stands for Women, Infants and Children.

“We see too many kids at risk in the county. We’re trying to get the message out,” Vins said.

The district includes two car seat technicians who can install the car seats and teach parents or grandparents on how to properly the install the car seats. He said even grandparents who need a lesson on how to install a car seat they already have can stop by for help.

Vins did say that any car seat that has been in a motor vehicle crash should be replaced.

He also pointed out that this program covers the entire county, including residents in East Liverpool and Salem, which have their own health departments. Call the number at 330-424-0272 to learn more.

“Great resource, great program,” he said.

Another reminder was that free COVID-19 test kits remain available at the health district headquarters.

The next meeting of the county Health District Advisory Council was set for 6 p.m. March 2, 2026.

The county health board meets at 4:30 p.m. today at the district headquarters in Lisbon.


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