
Community Calendar



DARE Singles Group, Movie Night to be announced at March 6 meeting; 330-729-0127


All-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast, Allen Lodge, 722 Meadow Lane, 7 -11 a.m., $8. Menu: Pancakes, hash browns, sausage, butter toast, eggs, coffee and juice.

Good As New Shoppe, Methodist Church, 210 S. Main St., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; 50 percent off all items.

Fairfield Township

Zoning Commission, 9 a.m., government center; workshop to review zoning regulations


Public Safety Committee, 9 a.m., village hall

Ukulele Classes by Gloria Siegfried, 2 p.m., Lepper Library. Registration is required. Brought in part by the Ohio Arts Council.


Salem Eagles Made to Order Breakfast 8-11 a.m.; Kitchen Open 5-7 p.m., Mega Burger with fries or onion rings $12; Grover FREE Play, 8-9 p.m.; Member’s Weekly Drawing

Salem High School Class of 1958, 9 a.m., Adele’s

Salem High School Class of 1976 planning meeting for the 50th reunion in 2026, 10 a.m., Salem High School Alumni Association office; information contact the SHS Alumni Association office at 330-332-1427 or email audrey@salemohioalumni.org.

United Quilting Guild Sewing Saturday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., First Christian Church, 1151 E. 6th St.; bring sewing machine and lunch, all fabric and patterns provided

Salem High School Class of 1959, noon, Ricky’s English Pub

Salem Hunting Club .22 Rifle Matches, 6 p.m., open to the public.


All-U-Can-Eat Breakfast, Kiwanis Park/Russell Reight bldg., 7:30 – 10:30 a.m.; menu: Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, French toast, home fries or biscuits with sausage gravy, Danish, fruit, toast, coffee, orange juice; sdults $12, children $5; carryout available


Wellsville Stitchers, 1-3 p.m., Wellsville Library activity room; all skill levels welcome

Drive Thru Beef Tips Over Noodles Dinner, 4-6 p.m. or sold out, Wellsville First Christian Church, 831 Main St.; beef tips over noodles, coleslaw, vegetable, and dessert for a donation.

Wellsville High School Class of 1968, 5 p.m., Someplace Else. Spouses and friends welcome.



DARE (Divorce/Death Aren’t Really the End), breakfast, 10 a.m., Charly’s Family Restaurant; information at 330-729-0127


Chester-Newell Sportsman Club turkey shoot, sign up at 9:30 a.m., shoot starts at 10 a.m.


Deadline to orderfor Columbiana UMC soup sale; chicken noodle, stuffed pepper, potato, vegetable, chili, ham and bean for $8 per quart; order at 330-482-2382; pick up from 3-4:30 p.m. March 13 at Columbiana UMC, 210 S. Main St.

East Palestine

Eagles breakfast, 8 a.m.-noon, dine in or carry out, 330-886-0397


Lisbon Lions Club Bingo, 6 p.m. doors open 4 p.m.


Salem Eagles Club open 1-8 p.m.

Concert featuring Donnie and Linda Abraham, 6 p.m., Calvary Baptist Church, 1779 Depot Road



DARE Singles Group, Pool Night at Camelot Lanes, 7 p.m.; 330-729-0127


St. Clair Township trustees, 4 p.m., government building

Beaver Local school board, 7 p.m., 8th grade pod


Columbiana County Veterans Service Commission, 2 p.m., commission board room

Operations Committee of the Columbiana County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, 5 p.m., board office, 27 Vista Drive, Lisbon.

East Palestine

The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., meatloaf with mashed potatoes and vegetable, $9; 330-886-0397

Madison Township

Zoning meeting, 6:30 p.m., administration building

New Cumberland

Hancock County school board, 5:30 p.m., JDRIV Career Center

New Springfield

Springfield Township trustees, 4 p.m., administration building; special meeting for road, property and general business


Salem Community Pantry, 794 E. Third St., food distribution, 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; for residents of the 44460 zip code; must have photo ID and proof of residency

Dine In or Drive Thru Banquet in Salem, 5 p.m. until food is gone, Salem Memorial Building; sponsor: Friends of the Banquet; menu: sweet Italian sausage sandwich with peppers and onions, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, fresh fruit and vegetables, cookies. Dine in will park in the designated area behind the building and proceed to the front door. Drive thru will line up in the lot behind the building; one meal per individuals in the vehicle; no parking in the library lot. For more information or to sponsor a Banquet call Patty Colian at 330-831-2169; visit www.thebanquetinsalem.org


GriefShare, 6:30-8 p.m., Everyone’s Welcome Church, 2 E. Main St.; register at griefshare.org/findagroup; information, Ed Zilinski at ejzilinski@msn.com or 570-419-3606


WHS Class of 1962, 1 p.m., Someplace Else; spouses and friends welcome



United Quilt Guild Sew and Social, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., West Branch Booster Hall, 26701 U.S. Route 62; bring sewing machine and snacks, all fabric and patterns provided


Calcutta Lions Club, 6:30 p.m., Peter Metrovich Community Center


Columbiana school board, 6 p.m., high school media center


Columbiana County Park District Board, 3:30 p.m., CCPD office

East Liverpool

Needles and Hooks (crochet and knitting group), noon-2 p.m., Carnegie Public Library Community Room

East Palestine

The Way Station, Presbyterian Church, 109 W. Rebecca St., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

EPGO Gathering, 10 a.m., Moose (street entrance); program: Family Tech Connect; public welcome

Eagles kitchen open 4-8 p.m., hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and vegetable, $9; 330-886-0397

Our Lady of Lourdes drive thru dinner, 4-6 p.m. or until sold out. Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce and dessert, $12.


Moving and Grooving Storytime, 10 a.m., Lepper Library; geared toward babies and toddlers. Come sing some songs, listen to a story, and play.

Preschool Story Hour Storytime, 11 a.m., Lepper Library; sing songs, listen to stories, and make crafts.

David Anderson High School Class of 1956, 11 a.m., Belleria in Columbiana

Village council, 6:30 p.m., village hall; BPA, 5 p.m.


In-Person Adult Craft, 10:30 a.m., Minerva Public Library; featuring beaded bookmarks; register at 330-868-4101 or www.minervalibrary.info


Bingo, Negley Volunteer Fire Dept.; doors open at 5:30 p.m., early birds at 7 p.m., regular bingo at 7:30 p.m., crazy bingo; refreshments available


Rotary Club of Salem, noon, Salem Community Center

No Parkinson’s Support Group meeting

Crochet class, 6:30 p.m., Smucker House, 271 S. Broadway Ave.; for all ages

Italian-American Club meeting, 7 p.m.

Families Anonymous, 7 p.m., First Methodist Church cafe


Southern Local school board, 6 p.m., high school media center

Yellow Creek Township

Board of Trustees, 7 p.m., township hall

Starting at $2.99/week.

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