
Sebring McKinley launches annual fundraiser

Sebring McKinley class officers join guest speaker, Kristin Fox, to kick off their annual fundraiser, “Emily’s Project,” in memory of a former classmate. This year they’ll support 50 Legs, a charity dedicated to providing prosthetics to individuals in need. (Submitted photo)

SEBRING – Sebring McKinley Jr/Sr High School launched its annual fundraiser to honor the memory of former student and classmate Emily Waseman.

Emily, who tragically lost her battle with cancer in elementary school, will continue to be remembered through this year’s outreach efforts. Each year, Sebring students choose a different cause to support in her honor, and this year’s chosen charity is 50 Legs, an organization dedicated to providing prosthetics to individuals in need.

The fundraising campaign kicked off earlier this month, with guest speaker Kristin Fox, associate principal at Northeast Ohio IMPACT. Fox shared her personal story of resilience after facing a life-altering experience in 2020 that resulted in the loss of both her arms and legs.

“We are incredibly grateful to Mrs. Fox for joining us and sharing her inspirational story,” said Nicole Mathias, teacher at Sebring McKinley and advisor for the annual fundraising project. “Her strength and determination are a true inspiration for our students to kick off their efforts to raise money for 50 legs, working together to make a difference in the lives of others.”

Each year, students select local individuals or organizations in need, supporting causes that address life-changing challenges.

“We’ve named our annual fundraising effort ‘Emily’s Project’ as a way to unite our students, staff, and the Sebring community in keeping her memory alive while supporting others,” added Mathias.

The class officers have organized various activities this month, including dollar days, penny wars, a bake sale, and T-shirt sales. At the end of the month, they’ll have an assembly to reveal the amount raised.

To make a contribution or learn more about how to support the fundraiser, contact teacher advisors of the initiative, Mathias at nmathias@sebring.k12.oh.us or Carolyn Hollback chollback@sebring.k12.oh.us.


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